Juglans nigra

Other Name

Black Walnut


Geelong Botanic Gardens, Eastern Beach, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No T11598

File Number




Statement of Significance

Tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the historic garden or park;
Outstanding size
Outstanding example of species

Located near nursery
An outstanding specimen and the largest known example of the species in cultivation in Victoria. The tree has formed a very large trunk and canopy. A native of southern USA, the tree is grown for its prized wood for furniture and edible nuts. It is often used as rootstock for Juglans regia which produces better nuts. The tree has a well-structured branch canopy and has started to branch close to the ground.

Measurements: 02/09/1989
Spread (m): 19.4
Girth (m):3.9 ( at 1m)
Height (m): 25.8
Estimated Age (yrs): 100
Condition: Good

Spread (m): N-S 16; E-W 21
Girth (m): 6.91
Height (m): 32
Estimated Age (yrs): 115
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified 14/09/1989.


Parks, Gardens and Trees

