Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Other Name

River Red Gum


Fitzsimons Lane, TEMPLESTOWE VIC 3106 - Property No T11545

File Number




Statement of Significance

Location or Context: remnant native vegetation

The 36 acre block contains 6 ancient River Red Gums in the south west corner. The rest of the site has been cleared long ago and has been farmed and developed. There is a seventh tree just outside the fence on the roadside. The old trees together with those on the Nursery site are a good example of the open woodland that once covered much of Templestowe.

Measurements: 27/05/1982
Spread (m): 17-25
Girth (m): 4-6
Height (m): 35-40
Estimated Age (yrs): 300
Condition: Good

Measurements: 17/02/2011 ( tree in Fizsimmons Lane, 200m north of Porter St)
Spread: EW 23m NS 23m
Girth: 5m
Height: 33m
Condition: good

Access: Restricted
Classified: 08/09/1982


Parks, Gardens and Trees

