Banksia marginata

Other Name

Silver Banksia


Long Point Flora Reserve Cnr Ascot Rd/Addington-Creswick Rds and Gillies Rd (Ballarat-Clunes Roads), CRESWICK VIC 3363 - Property No T11519

File Number




Statement of Significance

Location or Context: Remnant native vegetation.
Outstanding Size: Height x circumference x spread.
A isolated stand of remnant vegetation growing on an old reserve once used for quarrying and recently a tip site (now closed). The population is of mixed age with significant regeneration occurring in recent years. Growing in association with Eucalyptus aromaphloia. These old mature trees have attained a considerable size and are another example of the isolated occurrences of Silver Banksia around Ballarat.

Measurements: 08/08/1985
Spread (m): 9.5
Girth (m): 1.95
Height (m): 8.1
Estimated Age (yrs): 80
Condition: Good

Measurements: (07/03/2004)
Spread (m): 9.5
Girth (m): 1.95
Height (m): 8.1
Estimated Age (yrs): 104
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 08/08/1985


Parks, Gardens and Trees

