Quercus robur

Other Name

English Oak


Anzac Hostel, 78 North Road,, BRIGHTON VIC 3186 - Property No T11414

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to the landscape of historic garden
Outstanding size
Outstanding example of species.

This tree is an outstanding specimen tree on the grounds of the Anzac Hostel, 'Kamesburgh', which was built in 1874 by W K Thomson. The gardens established by George Kenner, head gardener, in the years following 1875.

Measurements: 12/1982
Spread (m): 32
Girth (m): 5
Height (m):16
Estimated Age (yrs): 105
Condition: Good

Measurements: 27/01/2010
Spread (m): E-W 25, N-S 30
Girth (m): 6.3
Height (m): 26
Estimated Age (yrs): 133
Condition: The tree is in fair to good condition but has not leafed up properly as a result of the prolonged drought.The tree has been mulched and branches cabled for support. There is some die back in the upper canopy.

Access: Restricted
Classified: 27/01/1983


Parks, Gardens and Trees

