Eucalyptus melliodora

Other Name

Yellow Box


Snowy RIver National Park, Varneys Track,, YALMY VIC 3885 - Property No T11030

File Number




Statement of Significance

Outstanding size
Outstanding example of species

Located in open forest, this tree exhibits a full crown, little deadwood but the presence of mistletoe . The tree has a straight trunk and a rounded crown and is the largest girthed example of the species known in Victoria. The area was previously cleared by the Hicks Pastoral Holding and is now part of the Snowy River National Park.
This tree is located north of Hicks Camping Ground off Varneys Track, 70m east of road uphill from Rodger River Measuring Station, off Yalmy Road, Yalmy.

Measurements: 22/03/1997
Spread (m): 23
Girth (m): 4.8
Height (m): 40
Estimated Age (yrs): 200
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 10/04/1997


Parks, Gardens and Trees

