Polyscias murrayi

Other Name

Pencil Cedar (Or Umbrella Tree)


Croajingolong National Park, Harrison Creek,, MALLACOOTA VIC 3892 - Property No T11027

File Number




Statement of Significance

Rare and localised

This species is rare in Victoria with its only known in a single location in the upper reaches of Harrison Creek. The trees surveyed ranged in size from a single stem to large multi-branched 'umbrella' shaped trees. The trees were flowering when inspected. Polyscias murrayi, is a common rainforest tree of eastern Australia and occurs as a secondary regeneration species in disturbed rainforest areas, often on hillsides.
The next known location is at Bellbird Creek, north of Eden, NSW.
The trees are located near Black Hole Road, 40+ minutes along Harrisons Creek to the south, Howe Ranges, Croanjingalong National Park.

Measurements: 29/03/1998 (largest tree observed)
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 1.58
Height (m): 21
Estimated Age (yrs): 100
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 17/12/1998


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - copse