Shire Hall


Milawa Road,, OXLEY VIC 3678 - Property No B3286

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Oxley Shire Hall was erected in 1875 by R Montgomery; the architect was A Rodgers. It then consisted of a main hall with two rear offices. The flanking side wings date from the 1890's. The single story brick structure is set well back from the road and its three elements (hall and side wings) have simple gable roof forms. The facade is composed of these three gabled forms with semi-circular arched openings.
This is a notable example of a small provincial shire hall. The triple gable composition gives an interesting form and the distinctive colour of the local bricks is notable. Thr three parts of the building are neatly articulated by roof forms and different mouldings around the openings. The intact quality of the facade is noteworthy. The hall is an essential feature of Oxley and is a landmark along th Milawa Road.
The building is intact and in good structural condition.


Government and Administration


Other - Government & Administration