Former Holy Trinity Church of England and Vicarage

Other Name

Holy Trinity Anglican Church and Vicarage


410 Merrawarp Road,, BARRABOOL VIC 3221 - Property No B2548

File Number




Statement of Significance

One of Victoria's earliest rural Anglican churches, The Holy Trinity Church was begun with the construction of the nave in 1855 in local Barrabool sandstone. It was designed by early Victorian architect, Charles Vickers, in Gothic style. The chancel, vestry and porch were added in1857 by Geelong architects, Shaw & Dowden. The entire church was re-constructed to the same design in 1884, again in Barrabool sandstone, but rendered over except for the buttresses and quoins.
The vicarage, a picturesque Gothic attic house was built in 1855 in rough coursed Barabool stonework and was possibly also the work of architect Charles Vickers. It is the oldest known continuously occupied vicarage in Victoria. Vicarage seems to have been added to the Church for classification.
The Holy Trinity Church and Vicarage, along with the adjoining school, form a cohesive group of buildings. They illustrate the religious, social and educative role played by the church in the 1850's in Victoria. See also B3154 Denominational School.
Adapted from Heritage Victoria Statement of Significance: 25/08/2010
Classified: 'Local' 18/03/1971



