Stawell Shire Hall - Group Classification


50 Longfield Street, STAWELL VIC 3380 - Property No B1392

File Number




Statement of Significance

Indivudually classified.
Part of Group Classification with File Numbers 1394 Mechanics' Institute (former), 1395 Lockup, 2474 Old Police Residence & 1391 Court House. Area bounded by Griffiths, Longfield, Leslie and Seaby Streets. Group Statement of Significance: A coherent extant group of five Municipal and related buildings, closely assoicated with the foundation of Stawell.

Stawell Shire Hall is a remarkable and rare example of a municipal building which has retained its original use for over 120 years. The site for the hall was granted in 1865 and after the proclomation of the Shire in Dewcember, 1865, the Shire engineer, Mr. John McLaren was asked to prepare plans and specifications for the hall. The first foundation stone and fornt portion of the hall were built in 1866. The contractors for this first phase of work were hutchings and Delbridge. Local photographer, O.G. Armstrong entered two photos in the Paris Exhibition showing views of the Shire Hall.

In 1873, tenders were called for the second stage of construction and the designing architect was John D'Alton and contractor was William Drummond. Between 1959-1962, further renovation, extension and repair works were carried out.

The hall has remained an important local landmark since 1866 and is a substantially intact example of possibly one of Victoria's few remaining shire halls, built in the post-gold rush era.


Community Facilities


Hall Town Hall