Railway Station


Hornsby Street,, MALDON VIC 3463 - Property No B4845

File Number




Statement of Significance

The station building was erected in 1888 for the Victorian Railways Department. It is one of eleven similar designs, the remaining ten being located in the metropolitan area.
The plan of the building is symmetrical, about the axis of the booking lobby. To one side are situalted the station offices, whilst to the other are the general and ladies' waiting rooms. The ladies' toilets, situated within a corrugated iron enclosure, have been removed. One of the Department's standard cast iron verandahs runs along the platform elevation.
A departure from earlier classically derived station architecture, it features pointed arch windows with rendered hood moulds and gabled entrance with a quatrefoil motif.
Maldon is an excellent example of gothic revival style railway architecture as it was practised in this state.
Classified: 07/05/1981


Transport - Rail


Railway Platform/ Station