Former Holy Trinity Church of England & Fincham & Hobday Organ

Other Name

Holy Trinity Anglican Church


50 High Street, High Street, MALDON VIC 3463 - Property No B2013

File Number




Statement of Significance

Church Statement of Significance: A Church in the Early English Gothic style specifically designed by the architect David R Drape to be erected over a number of years and particularly attractive because of the combination of brown local schist, laid as squared rubble, and Harcourt granite dressings. The nave with corner buttresses and western bell cote was erected in 1861, the vestry and gallery in 1862, transepts in 1863, the chancel in 1886 and porch in 1889. Features of the interior are the organ by Fincham and Hobday, installed in 1893, and stained glass, including some of the earliest work of John Lyon, from 1864.
Church Classified: 06/12/1973
Confirmed: 08/12/1977
See also B3816 and B2716.

Organ Statement of Significance: A two-manual organ of nine stops built in 1893 by Fincham & Hobday remaining in a remarkably original state, the only changes being the introduction of electric blowing and tuning slides. The instrument, which has an exceptionally high standard of finish, incorporates a finely carved Gothic case in polished kauri pine with attractively diapered facade pipes. The mechanism and pipework of the instrument have been ingeniously accommodated within the constricted space of a small chamber.
Organ Classified: 'State' 12/121989.
Part of Historic Area B2049 & Notable Town Classified 06/121965.



