Powder Magazine


on hill opposite Duke Of Cornwall Mine,, FRYERSTOWN VIC 3451 - Property No B2148

File Number




Statement of Significance

Powder Magazine, opposite ruins of Duke of Cornwall Mine, Fryerstown, is a stone structure believed to have been erected in the 1850s. Circular in plan and constructed of random rubble, the remains of the structure show a form of eaves course and a bee-hive shaped domed roof.
Powder Magazine forms, with the old mine building, an important surviving reminder of the goldmining era which first settled and so strongly formed the present appearance of this country. The old magazine equally strongly represents the technology of this now lost era. The form of the structure and the vernacular basis of its construction is also important and contrasts with the typical Government built magazines.
Powder Magazine is understood to be in fair to good condition and reasonably intact, although some deterioration has occurred.
Classified: 21/03/1968


Mining and Mineral Processing


Powder Magazine