Prunus ilicifolia

Other Name

Holly-Leaved Cherry


Kew Residential Services, Princess Street,, KEW VIC 3101 - Property No T12063

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to the landscape of an historic garden
Rare or localised:

The specimen of Prunus ilicifolia (Holly-leaved Cherry) forms part of a group of trees to the Main Drive, near the original entry off Princess Street. This small evergreen tree has distinctive leaves with spiny margins and is part of the planting within the grounds of Victoria's pre-eminent nineteenth century mental institution.
The Prunus ilicifolia is also of significance due to its rarity; it is one of less than ten known specimens in the State of Victoria.
Kew Lunatic Asylum, later known as Willsmere Mental Hospital, was constructed in spacious grounds on a hilltop overlooking the Yarra River in 1868-1872. The entry gates and lodge were constructed in 1873. It is believed that the avenues lining the drives were planted after this time. Kew Cottages was established to the east of the asylum in 1887 between the Main Drive and the Lower Drive.

Measurements; 28/02/2004
Spread (m): 11
Girth (m): 1.3
Height (m): 8.2
Estimated Age (Yrs): 80-100
Condition: Fair

Access: Restricted
Classified: 04/03/2004


Parks, Gardens and Trees

