Ellerslie - Cottage & Storeroom


239 Pilmer Street,, BACCHUS MARSH VIC 3340 - Property No B5548

File Number




Statement of Significance

A three roomed brick cottage of hand-made bricks, still bearing an original fire insurance plaque, and built against an even earlier cool store cum meatstore or dairy with partially hollow brick walls on Silverlock's system, the earliest example of this yet identified in Victoria: the cottage and store, in addition to a skillion on the opposite side of the store, retain shingle roofs beneath later corrugated iron; a verandah across the face of the building, which survives in part, seems also to have been shingled; and a skillion at the rear of the cottage, though much altered, is believed to be of nineteenth century date as well.
Classified: 05/07/1984

This property has a National Trust Covenant attached to the title. Any major changes are subject to the approval of the National Trust. Please contact the National Trust for further information.


Residential buildings (private)

