Speechley & Ingram Organ-StAndrews Presbyterian Church


Church Street,, MORWELL VIC 3840 - Property No B7028

File Number




Statement of Significance

A two manual organ of 12 speaking stops built in 1872 by Speechley and Ingram, Camden Town, London for a private client in Melbourne and successively located in the Melbourne Athenaeum Hall, St Andrew's Schoolroom, Brighton, St Thomas' Anglican Church, Essendon and the Methodist Church, Thornbury before its restoration and installation at its present location in 1995-97. The instrument retains its original action, console, pipework and case, although the decoration of the facade pipes has been subsequently painted over. This is the only example of its builders' work in Australia to remain largely intact and is tonally a particularly fine example of English organbuilding of the period. It also shows the constructional and tonal influence of the noted organbuilder Henry Willis, with whom Henry Speechley trained.
Classified: 06/09/1999




Church Pipe Organ