Former Police Residence, Stables & Lock-Up


1 Crawford Street, CHILTERN VIC 3683 - Property No B4498

File Number




Statement of Significance

The complex of former Police buildings at Chiltern was erected in 1873 by the Public Works Department and consist of police quarters, stables and a lock-up. The buildings were designed by H A Williams who was at that time the Clerk of Works in charge of north-eastern Victoria.
The police quarters comprise a simple double fronted residence constructed in brick with a timber verandah across the main facade, slate roof and two stout brick chimneys protruding above the main ridge of the roof. The stables at the rear are constructed in timber; remnants of the original paintwork still survive. These stables are one of the few remaining examples of timber police stables remaining in Victoria. The lock-up is located a short distance from the police quarters and comprises a simple gabled vestibule giving onto two cells. Its brick construction is enhanced by stone dressings around the entrance.
All the buildings are simply conceived and are constructed mainly in local materials. They are typical examples of modest provincial police station architecture of the nineteenth century and together form a unified group. They are important in that they consititute perhaps the earliest completely surviving complex of its type in Victoria and have had few, if any, alterations since they were originally constructed over one hundred years ago. They are an essential element in the precinct of government building occupying this area of Chiltern and a fine feature of this important historic town.
(Note: The picturesque picket fence defining the yard to the police quarters is not original and was erected during the recent Disney filming in Chiltern.)
Classified: 20/03/1980


Law Enforcement

