Athenaeum & former Town Hall

Other Names

Mechanics Institute ,  Athenaem & Library


57 Conness Street, CHILTERN VIC 3683 - Property No B3034

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Chiltern Athenaeum and Town Hall is an important example of a provincial hall and institute. Its original dual function and the resulting layout of the hall is a distinctive aspect of the building. It has played an important role in the social life of the town and was the focus of local government from 1867-1937. The site has been associated with the Chiltern Athenaeum (formerly the Chiltern Instutute) since 1861.
It is a fine example of provincial design in the conservative classical style. The street facade is simply composed with a centrally located entrance and is given extra importance by fine window mouldings and a distinctive superimposed trabeated system of tapering doric pilasters. A notable aspect of the trabeation is its independence from the physical bounds of the simple gabled form of the facade. The fan-lighted entrance is interesting. The arcuated side facades reflect the nearby government buildings.
The interior is simply laid out. Several elements in the hall survive which illustrate its original dual function, in particular the iron columns (a notable feature in themselves and the marble fireplaces).
Classified: 08/02/1968
Upgraded: 04/12/1980


Government and Administration


Council Chambers