Former Dows Pharmacy


42 - 44 Conness Street,, CHILTERN VIC 3683 - Property No B2283

File Number




Statement of Significance

An intact pharmacy, lockup shops and residences of 1868, on a site where a medical dispensary had been established in 1859. When the present brick building was erected one shop was a stationer's and the other a chemist, with two residences behind. David J McEwan, father of John McEwan, eminent politician, occupied the building from 1891-1907. John R Dow occupied the pharmacy from 1936 until 1969 when it closed. The pharmacy interior has been maintained with stock and registers as it was in the period of Dow's occupancy. Moreover, there are shopfittings, bottles, records and equipment which date from the 19th or early 20th century. The modern extension to the rear is excluded.
Classified: 19/03/1970


Health Services

