Hitchcock Memorial Bandstand Johnstone Park


24-28 Geringhap Street,, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B4791

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Hitchock Memorial Bandstand, Johnstone Park, Geelong, was designed by Percy Everett in association with Laird and Buchan as a central feature of a master plan for the park prepared by Everett. The bandstand was erected by Bernard Murphy in 1919-20.
Circular in plan, the main structure is supported on arched walls with diagonal wing walls terminating in stylised urns. Relief and incised decoration incorporating garlanded panels and a rusticted base is executed in cement render to the base and balustrades.
Triplets of coulumns connected by brackets representing lyres rise from the circular balustrade to support the elaborate roof. The main roof dome is clad in terracotta shingles, with centrally placed lunettes, while at each corner, concave copper pyramids support thin copper finials of obelisk form. A further copper cap sits at the apex of the roof and supports a tall timber flagpole.
The original ornamental pond from which the Bandstand rose has been filled in, but the bandstand is one of the best remaining examples of this category of building in Victoria.
Classified: 07/03/1985


Recreation and Entertainment

