Campbell Connelly Building


2 High Street,, BENDIGO VIC 3550 - Property No B5661

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Campbell Connelly Building, erected in 1877 for Thomas James Connelly to a design by WC Vahland, is of local architectural and historical significance.
Architecturally, the Campbell Connelly Building, designed in the Italian Renaissance manner, is significant as the work of Bendigo's best-known architect, WC Vahland. Distinctive rendered elements on the facade include the unusual giant (or two storeyed) Corinthian pilaster order; the part smooth rustication of the ground level to lend the effect of heavy stone masonry; and the profuse dentillation and bracketing under the parapet cornice. The facade of the building is substantially intact at both levels, although a verandah was added in 1986. The building is sited on a prominent corner in Bendigo's leading historic precinct.
Historically, the building is significant as American Thomas James Connelly's long-established hardware business that occupied the site from 1860 until 1985 and was the source of many of the first lamps in the town.
Classified 15/5/1986




Office building