Warrock Homestead


826 Casterton Apsley Road, CASTERTON VIC 3311 - Property No B1342

File Number




Statement of Significance

In 1843 former Scottish cabinetmaker George Robertson acquired the remote western Victorian grazing run Warrock, centred on the Glenelg River valley near Casterton. For the next 47 years Robertson designed and fastidiously erected 30 timber and 3 brick station buildings to form a 2 acre homestead complex without parallel in Australia. These timber structures, centred around the original weatherboard cottage of 1843, are consistently built in a style devised from mid 19th century pattern book sources.

Warrock at Casterton is undoubtedly the most important pastoral station complex in Victoria and stands as a unique testimony to the Calvinist resourcefulness and craft skills of benevolent despot George Robertson. These original, and consistently detailed timber structures so evocative of 19th century pastoral station life, have a unique relationship with one another and the timbered, eroded, far western Victorian landscape.

The station buildings at Warrock near Casterton are preserved intact and are being progressively restored. The original details and character is being scrupulously rehabilitated.
RNE : 3741

Classified: 17/11/1962

Revised: classified: Local: 03/08/1998


Residential buildings (private)


Homestead building