Shire Hall - Rushworth Historic Area


High Street, RUSHWORTH VIC 3612 - Property No B4144

File Number




Statement of Significance

Designed by Vahland and Getzschman and built by T P Price of local Rushworth brick, the Hall was opened in 1869. Extensions were completed in 1883 to the west and south sides. The foundation stone was stolen immediately after laying on 25th July, 1868, and never seen again.
Classified: 18/05/1978
Historic Area Statement of Significance: Rushworth is a gold mining town of considerable historic character. There is a wealth in its historic buildings and other structures which remain from its early development in the 1850's and the subsequent boom of the decades to follow.
The twentieth century saw a shift in Rushworth's importance as a mining town, to a servicing centre for the surrounding rural community. Essentially a town of the past, Rushworth has been largely by-passed by twentieth century development. This general decline has, however, had a positive effect in conserving the town's historic urban fabric. The decline whilst resulting in the loss of some buildings, has caused few intrusive replacements. About the town, many of Rushworth's boom period buildings remain in a largely intact condition and an atmosphere of tranquility pervades in this historic township.
The character and significance of the town is largely a function of its landscape setting; the spacious High Street; the town's irregular layout of straight streets; which are a legacy of Rushworth's boom period subsequent decline.
Group Classified: 06/12/1982.


Community Facilities


Hall Town Hall