Former Methodist Church & Fincham Organ

Other Name

Uniting Church


Barkly Street,, BALLARAT EAST VIC 3350 - Property No B3964

File Number




Statement of Significance

A brick Wesleyan chapel of 1860, combining Early English characteristics with a Tudor notched gable and of interest as an early example in a series of Methodist churches by the architect J A Doane.
Church Classified 'Local': 24/08/1989

The pipe organ by Fincham & Hobday built in 1889 issignificant for historic, aesthetic and technical reasons at a regional level. The Fincham & Hobday organ at the Uniting Church Barkly Street is significant for the following reasons:
- It retains all of its original mechanisms, console and pipework
- The tubular-pneumatic pedal action is a rare early example of this type by the firm, employing large-bore lead tubing
- It remains almost entirely unaltered apart from the loss of the original wind reservoir
- It is an instrument of very high technical and tonal quality
- The instrument retains excellent pipe stencilling in the facade
- The casework is unusual with its adoption of splayed sides and incorporating excellent carving
- It is only one of two mechanical action pipe organs remaining in Ballarat.
Organ Classified 'Regional' Revised: 23/06/2014



