Ercildoune Homestead & Garden


973 Ercildoune Road,, ERCILDOUNE VIC 3352 - Property No B0061

File Number




Statement of Significance

Ercildoune Homestead was settled by Scottish-born brothers Thomas and Somerville Learmonth in 1838, when the first homestead, which still stands in the garden, was built. A proper house was built in 1839 and incorporated in the extensive additions and alterations made in 1859. The present homestead is a rambling stone mansion with gabled wings, crow-stepped and castellated parapets.
There are extensive gardens.
Ercildoune is one of the most historic and architecturally important homesteads in Victoria. The property has historical associations with the Learmonths, the settlement of the district and later with Sir Samuel Wilson. Architecturally the homestead is of considerable importance for the first homestead, which is one of the earliest surviving buildings in Victoria, the gardens and the main house and its interiors. The eclectic Scottish Baronial style design is most unusual.
Ercildoune has been extensively altered and added to over the years, but is generally in good condition and largely intact.
Classified: 20/06/1974

File note 28/06/2012: G13060 (Ercildoune Garden) amalgamated & filed with B0061.
G13060 Ercildoune Garden not classified)


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Garden Residential