Former Jaques Ltd


1 Palmer Street (Cnr Griffith Street), RICHMOND VIC 3121 - Property No B5662

File Number




Statement of Significance

Jaques Ltd is located on an island site of one hectare in Richmond. The factory comprises a machine shop, boiler shop assembly area and a spare parts department; there is also space in the buildings given over to offices. The buildings are constructed of brick with a galvanised roof covering most of the site.
The machinery and plant mostly dates from the 1940's through to the 1980's; much of the equipment was updated in 1964/1965. Machinery was also aquired from A H McDonald in 1968.
The site has been occupied since 1887 and has been gradually acquired and developed since that time. Most parts of the current building date from just before 1949 throufg to sections built within the last ten years.
Jaques Ltd have produced mining and rock crushing equipment since their establishment in 1885. Their products have been used all over Australia in the mining and road building industries.
Classified: 26/05/1986


Manufacturing and Processing


Factory/ Plant