Railway Station


1 Heidelberg Road,, CLIFTON HILL VIC 3068 - Property No B4679

File Number




Statement of Significance

The brick station building at Clifton Hill was erected for the Victorian Railways Department during the late 1880's. It is one of eleven similar designs used principally in the metropolitan area.
The plan of the building is symmetrical about the axis of the booking lobby. To one side are the station offices and to the other are the waiting rooms. The corrugated iron wings situated at either end of this building were once common to all examples of this design but now survive only at Clifton Hill. They include toilets and a porter's room and yard. The design, which features gothic style details, represents a departure from earlier classically derived station architecture. The timber verandah situated on the Melbourne platform is centrally supported on timber posts, whilst the roof is carried on king post trusses and runs the length of the portable station building. This type of verandah was once quite common on the network but survives today only at Clifton Hill. Thus, Clifton Hill is a significant complex in that it is the only surviving intact example of this important standard station building design. The survival of the timber verandah opposite is also unique.
Classified: 07/05/1981
Revised: 03/08/1998


Transport - Rail


Railway Platform/ Station