Holy Trinity Anglican Church & Organ

Other Name

Holy Trinity Balaclava


Cnr Chapel Street and Brighton Road,, BALACLAVA VIC 3183 - Property No B2154

File Number




Statement of Significance

Church Statement of Significance: A substantial freestone church, comprising nave and aisles, transepts, chancel and vestry, designed by Reed & Barnes and erected in 1882-3, but without the intended spire. The building is of interest on account of its circular baptistry with conical roof, unusual circular clerestory windows and apsidal chancel converging on a three-light window. The spacious interior includes a reredos with flanking gables, impressive stained glass and three-manual organ by George Fincham (1882).
Church Classified:08/06/1967

Organ Statement of Significance: A three-manual organ built in 1883 by George Fincham, originally of 23 speaking stops, with two further stops prepared for, and rebuilt in 1960 by George Fincham & Sons, at which time the original mechanical action, which ran under the chancel to a detached console, was replaced with electro-pneumatic action and a new console installed. The instrument still retains its original tonal scheme, pipework, cases and diapered facades and is one of the most substantial Fincham organs of the period to remain substantially intact. It is of special interest for its connection with the vicar at the time of its installation, Dr G W Torrance, who designed the instrument and organized its commissioning.
Organ Classified 15/04/1992.



