Schramm's Cottage


Muriel Green Drive, DONCASTER VIC 3108 - Property No B1240

File Number




Statement of Significance

Mr Max Von Schramm was born in Silesia in 1827 and emigrated to NSW in 1851, before moving to Melbourne in 1852 and commencing a ferry service on Port Phillip Bay. Being an educated man led to him being persuaded by Mr. J. G. Thiele to move to Doncaster to teach the district's children. The school began in 1860 and with the settlers being unable to match the Board of Education grant to build a bigger school, Mr. Schramm erected, at his own expense, a schoolhouse and residence on Doncaster Road. In 1876 the school became State School No. 197 and Mr. Schramm conducted a private school in his own home (now known as Schramm's Cottage) until 1884. Mr Schramm's association with the Doncaster Lutheran Church began in 1858 when he was present at the dedication of the first church. At the 1876 Lutheran Synod a new parish was proposed for Doncaster and Mr. Schramm was approached to be first pastor. After ordination in 1876, Pastor Schramm ministered to the Lutheran community until 1907. He also performed duties as Hon. Secretary of the Doncaster Church of England; he was instrumental in forming the Doncaster Athanaeum and Library and was also Registrar for births, deaths and marriages in Doncaster for many years.

The cottage built of locally quarried sandstone in 1875 is of historical importance due to its association with Mr. Schramm who played a vital role in the development of Doncaster and was a revered and respected resident for more than 30 years. The cottage was threatened with demolition for the widening of Doncaster Road but community outcry resulted in the cottage being dismantled and reerected on its current site in 1972-1975for future use as a folk museum.

Classified: 8/12/1960

Classified: Local: 03/08/1998


Residential buildings (private)

