State School No 1051


1890 Mickleham Road, MICKLEHAM VIC 3064 - Property No B3279

File Number




Statement of Significance

State School No. 1051 (Common School) is a bluestone school erected in 1871, although its origins can be traced to Common School No. 423 dating from 1855. Rectangular in plan, the building is constructed of random coursed bluestone with gabled ends and a corrugated roof. There is a chimney midway along one wall and features of the design are the round vent and the gabled foots.
The school is a representative example of a modest, bluestone country schoolhouse and has historical associations with the settlement of the district. Architecturally, the building is a very simple Classical Revival design, typically detailed for this size of building. The school has been variously altered and added to and is in continued use.
The brick addition is not included in the classification.
Adapted from AHC Citation
Classified: 20/11/1975




School - State (public)