New Shell Corner Building

Other Names

Shell Building ,  Shell Corner


155 William Street (Cnr Bourke Street),, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B5832

File Number




Statement of Significance

Shell Corner is the first of a unique series of three high rise office buildings grouped at the corner of Bourke and William Streets in central Melbourne (Shell Corner, 1958; AMP Building 1965 and BHP House, 1970). All three were designed by Melbourne architects in association with the leading firm of American high rise office building architects, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and all three are developments of the free-standing tower block.
The 17 storey office tower sitting on a marble podium, was designed in 1958 by Buchan Laird and Buchan in association with the American architects and is a fine example of aluminium curtain wall construction with solar grey glass imported from the United States. At the time of construction, the building incorporated the latest feature of being totally sealed with high pressure air-conditioning and automatic temperature control .
Shell Corner was built adjacent to the earlier Old Shell Corner in William Street designed by A & K Henderson in 1932, consolidating on the site, the Australian headquarters of this worldwide petroleum corporation.
Classified: 09/03/1989
Demolished: 1990
See also B4075 Old Shell Building, 163-169 William Street, Melbourne.




Commercial Office/Building