Former Cable Tram Engine House & Car Shed

Other Name

Brown's Motors


626 High Street, (Cnr Martin Street), NORTHCOTE VIC 3070 - Property No B5342

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Northcote Engine House and Car Shed is historically significant at a national level as an unusual survivor of Melbourne's famous cable tram network, the most extensive cable tram system in the world operated by a single authority. It is the only combined cable tram engine house/car shed constructed in Melbourne. It is also historically important in being built by the Clifton Hill to Northcote & Preston Tramway Company that was not part of the main central network constructed by the Melbourne Tramways Trust and leased to the Melbourne Tramway & Omnibus Company. Also unusual was its history of being taken over by the Northcote Council and then the Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board as part of the consolidation of the tramway system. It was the last cable tram building (in 1940) to cease operation. It is architecturally important as a possible work of Alexander Davidson.
Classified: 18/08/1993


Transport - Tramways


Engine House