Former Methodist Church & Fincham Organ

Other Name

Uniting Church


Cnr High and Tyler Streets,, PRESTON VIC 3072 - Property No B2680

File Number




Statement of Significance

Church Statement of Significance: A bluestone Gothic church of 1863 with brick detailing allegedly designed by Rev F E Stephenson. Brick transepts were added to the design of one Gardiner in 1902. The organ, installed in 1930, was built in 1877 by George Fincham for St Peter's, Ballarat.
Church Classified: 'Local' 20/10/1970

Organ Statement of Significance:
A two-manual organ of 15 stops built in 1877 by George Fincham for St Peter's Anglican Church, Ballarat and installed in its present location in 1930 by Hill, Norman & Beard. This is a substantial example of Fincham's earlier work which remains largely intact apart from the removal of the great Mixture and replacement by a second Open Diapason and retaining its original action and three-tower case. It is the only remaining 19th century organ in the suburb.
Organ Classified: 'Regional' 20/11/1991.



