Edrington House & Garden


132 High Street,, BERWICK VIC 3806 - Property No B4461

File Number




Statement of Significance

Built in 1906 for Samuel P Mackay in the Art Nouveau style to the design of Rodney Alsop, architect, the house is distinguished by the variety of effects created by changes to the type and placement of windows from room to room and for the stained glass with its motifs of gumnuts and leaves. It was described by Sir John Betjeman as a house built from the inside outwards as all good homes should be.
Edrington is notable as the home of the Baron Casey of Berwick, federal parliamentarian from 1931-40 and 1949-60, Governor of Bengal, 1944-46, Governor of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1965-69,and member of the British War Cabinet, 1942-43. The house is of brick, tile roofed, with floors of oak, ceilings of oak and pine, with bathroom walls lined with pressed metal and remarkably intact within its pleasant, appropriate and contemporary garden.
Classified: 21/05/1981
Revised: 03/08/1998
File notes: 28/06/2012: G13069 (Edrington Garden) amalgamated & filed with B4461
G13069 Edrington Garden not classified.


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Garden Residential