Former ABC Site - Broadcast House & Caretaker's Cottage


458-502 Lonsdale Street & Cnr William Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B6034

File Number




Statement of Significance

Statement of Significance: The 1942-3 radio station complex Broadcast House, because of its high external integrity (and internally in part), is representative of the early development of radio in Victoria. It was designed by the country's foremost acoustics authority, architect H Vivian Taylor. It is of historic significance as it was built specifically to meet the home-front and overseas propaganda needs of war-time Australia, and continues to be the home of the A.B.C.
Classified: 02/11/1989
Caretaker's Cottage
Statement of Singificance: Constructed in about 1887 as a caretaker's cottage, this attractive bichrome brick structure is a rare surviving example in the C.B.D. of a small nineteenth-century cottage, and the last intact link with the West Melbourne Presbyterian Church (1886, removed 1935). It was subsequently adapted as a studio in the A.B.C. complex.
Classified: 02/11/1989
See also B6622 Former Lonsdale House Private Hospital


Postal and Telecommunications


Radio Station