Villa Alba

Other Names

Mount Royal Hospital Rehabilitation Centre ,  Henry Pride Wing- Royal Women's Hospital


44 Walmer Street, KEW VIC 3101 - Property No B1385

File Number




Statement of Significance

A house containing one of the most complete and elegant decorative schemes of the 1880s, partly obscured but almost all apparently recoverable. This work, done by Patterson Brothers of Melbourne in 1883-4 for William Greenlaw, general manager of the Colonial Bank of Australasia, is characterised by rich and delicate schemes of painting and stencilling, extending even to the dedorated skirtings, and by the absence of wallpaper. The original house, thought to date from before 1863, is incorporated within the present structure.

First Classified 13/2/64
Upgraded 26/2/85
Revised: Classified State 3/8/98


Health Services


Nurses' Home