Former Court House

Other Names

Community Arts Centre ,  Former Shire Hall ,  Keilor Community Arts Centre


777 Calder Freeway,, KEILOR VIC 3036 - Property No B3754

File Number




Statement of Significance

A bluestone hall of local historical and social significance as the earliest surviving Central Victorian Court House from the Public Works Department's post 1859 programme and as a focus of judicial and civic activity in Keilor since that date. It has served variously as a Court House, Municipal Offices and Community Centre.
Despite a number of later additions and renovations, including later cement rendering, the Keilor Court House demonstrates an early and unusually simple Court House layout, apparently lacking portico or ancillary chambers.
The existence of the adjacent 1863 Police Barracks (now a private residence) enhances the historical context of the Court House/ Police Barracks as a legal precinct.
Classified: 11/07/1996


Community Facilities


Hall Town Hall