Francis House


107 Collins Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B3925

File Number




Statement of Significance

Architects, W A M Blackett and W B Forster received the first Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (RVIA) Street Architecture Medal in 1929. This was for the design of a new shop and offices built by Scott and Sorrell during 1926-7 for the established pharmacists, Henry Francis and Co. The designer in Blackett and Forster's office was W F Williams, after a sketch by Hugh Craig.
Built using the Monier reinforced concrete structural stystem, in a stripped Italian Renaissance style, the building rose five storeys in four facade bays to a penthouse level with guilloche pattern balustrade over a bayed bronze and glass shopfront, by J S Gill and Son, at ground level. Steel-framed windows were used at the upper level. The sparseness of the ornament was thought a fresh approach midst the sombre eclecticism of that part of Collins Street. Australian Home Beautiful described the winner as ...."pleasantly prim and is just the right colour and has a suspicion of maidenly propriety that is very attractive".
Apart from the painting of the bronze work Francis House is a near to original and early example of the transition of eclecticism in commercial design to an austere and stylised use of ornament and form, in parallel with the emerging European Modern architecture. It was also the first building awarded the R.V.I.A. Street Architecture medal for its contribution to urban design.
Classified: 22/07/1976
Revised: 03/11/1983
Group Classified: 15/07/1976


Retail and Wholesale

