Bannockburn Shire Hall

Other Name

Old Shire Hall


High Street,, BANNOCKBURN VIC 3331 - Property No B6916

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Bannockburn Shire Hall, built in 1876 and extended with a new facade in 1915, is architecturally and historically significant at the local level.
The Edwardian freestyle of the facade is a relatively sophisticated example of the style and gives this small building a suitably grand appearance. The Edwardian lettering is particularly notable.
The 1876 portions of the building, including the interior, remain largely intact, but are architecturally unpretentious. Historically, the building was the centre of administration of the Shire for over 100 years, from 1876 to 1981. The WW1 Memorial is an unusual example, featuring a figure of remembrance, and is placed on axis with the hall, creating a small civic precinct.
Classified: 03/05/1999


Community Facilities


Hall Public