South Australian Insurance Building


483 - 485 Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B3058

File Number




Statement of Significance

The South Australian Insurance Building was erected in 1888 by the New Zealand Insurance Company as their Melbourne offices.
The architects were Oakden, Addison and Kemp and the builder, C. Butler. The facade of the four storey brick structure with attic and basement consists of a series of gothic arcades and is faced with terracotta and ceramic tiles with stucco mouldings and some granite columns.
This is a significant example of commercial gothic revival architecture in Melbourne and of Oakden, Addison and Kemp's work. The facade is a picturesque composition and shows a more restrained and academic approach than its contemporary neighbours by William Pitt. The gothic style corbelling to the first floor projecting bay, the polychromy of the facade and the free-standing arcades are notable features.
The building's role in an exceptional group of boom period commercial buildings is of great significance.
The building is generally intact, parts of the ground floor have been painted and the decorative heraldic beasts on the parapet have been removed.
The facade requires cleaning and general maintenance. The illuminated letters are intrusive.
Classified: 25/01/1968
Group Classification with: B3057 Record Chambers; B3463 Winfield House; B2894 Rialto; B0469 Olderfleet & B3664 AdelaideSteamships Building.




Insurance company/building