Former Wesleyan Church & Organ

Other Name

Uniting Church


278 New Street,, BRIGHTON VIC 3186 - Property No B0650

File Number




Statement of Significance

Church Statement of Significance: One of Melbourne's earlier churches, built in 1854 and possibly designed by Charles and/or James Webb, prominent Melbourne architect and builder, both of whom lived in the area. The porch was added in 1858 and the church was extended in 1892, but the original portion interestingly combines a regency stuccoed character with a Gothic triangular window of a type favoured by Charles Webb.
Church Classified: 'Regional' 08/12/1977

Organ Statement of Significance: A two-manual organ, originally of 16 stops, believed to have been built in 1884 by Alfred Fuller for the Congregational Church , Kew, and installed at Brighton in 1893. In spite of the introduction of electric action and a new console in 1967, the organ retains its original case, designed by F J Smart, and its original tonal scheme and pipework, with the exception of one rank. The Fuller console has also been preserved, although disconnected. This is a fine and substantial example of Fuller's work and has the potential for restoration close to its original state. Of regional significance.
Organ Classified: 'Regional' 20/11/1990.



