Organ - Holy Trinity Anglican Church


Clarendon Street,, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 - Property No B6155

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant? The pipe organ at Holy Trinity Church is a rare example of an instrument constructed by an amateur organbuilder for domestic use in late 19th century Melbourne. It incorporates an outstanding case in fiddleback blackwood, almost certainly made by Alfred Fuller, eight ranks of superbly made wooden pipes (some with mahogany components), together with metal pipework, some of it ordered in 1872 from the notable London firm of J.W. Walker. The windchests and mechanisms have been skilfully constructed and the whole instrument has a highly pleasing sound.
How is it significant? The organ is significant for historic, aesthetic and technical reasons at a regional level.
Why is it significant? The pipe organ at Holy Trinity Church, East Melbourne is significant for the following reasons:
It is a rare example of a 19th century chamber organ made by an amateur organbuilder
Henry M. Boom was a fine craftsman
The quality of the casework is outstanding
The instrument remains in a substantially intact state
The overall sound is highly pleasing
Classified: 02/07/1990
Revised: 26/07/2010




Church Pipe Organ