Gordon Terrace


90-100 Carlton Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B1929

File Number




Statement of Significance

A terrace of six largetwo storey houses built 1883-85 for John Gordon, slate merchant. Gordon owned the premises until 1902. The two storeyrendered brick structure has a two storey cast iron verandah. Each house is punctuated by a pedimented name plate on the parapet.
Gordon terrace is typical of boom style domestic architecture. Composed of six repetitive elements, it is of interesting length and enhanced by the stepped form following the slope of the site. The individual pedimented name plates are notable. The terrace is a prominent part of the Carlton Street and Gardens precinct and a typical example of a building type which is a distinctive feature of inner suburban Melbourne.
Thecast Iron palisade fence is compatible with the terrace.
Classified: 21/04/1966


Residential buildings (private)

