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Other NameFairy Hills Location9 Crown Road,, IVANHOE VIC 3079 - Property No B4203
File NumberB4203LevelState |
Built in 1922, essentially to the design of the artist Napier Waller as his home and work place. The exterior is of dry-cast over reinforced concrete walls, with steeply pitched gables and Tudor style battens. The interior incorporates a mellow blend of art deco elements, powerfully expressed in the "living hall". The whole is compellingly individual, yet quintessentially an expression of styles exploited and developed in the 1930s. The glass studio, 1931, is a harmonious addition. The separate studio, 1937, for Waller's painting, print and mosaic works, is included in the Classification.
Classified: 21/09/1978
Revised: 03/08/1998
Residential buildings (private)