Other Name

Individual, Tree, Pentridge Prison Warder's House, 1860, 1870


65 BELL STREET,, COBURG VIC 3058 - Property No 29839


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The house and mature palm tree at 65 Bell Street, Coburg.

How is it significant?
The house at 65 Bell Street, Coburg is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Moreland.

Why is it significant?
Of historic significance, constructed by c.1870, as a rare surviving example of an early prison warders dwelling, which illustrates the influence of Pentridge Prison upon the Coburg area. The original owner and occupier from 1870-85, Henry Durham was a warder as was a later tenant and owner, John Booth. (AHC criteria A.4, D.2 and H.1)

Of aesthetic significance as a good example of a more unusual triple gabled weatherboard cottage. (RNE criterion E.1)


Parks, Gardens and Trees

