HO90 - St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church

Other Name

Smith Street, Melton


Smith Street MELTON, Melton Shire

File Number



Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Smith Street, Melton, has significance as a predominantly intact example of a Victorian Early English Gothic Revival style and as a legacy of the development of the Catholic Church in Melton.

St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Smith Street, is architecturally significant at a LOCAL level (AHC D.2, E.1). It demonstrates original design qualities of a Victorian Early English Gothic Revival style. These qualities include the steeply pitched gable roof, together with the minor gable porch at the front and the rear gabled vestry that projects at the side. Other intact or appropriate qualities include the face brick wall construction, slate roof tiles, modest eaves, pointed arched diamond leadlight windows, pointed arched lancet window with rendered drip mould in the gable end, face brick buttresses with rendered copings, vertical timber boarded and pointed arched doors, decorative iron hinges to the porch doors and the crosses that adorn the gable ends.

St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Smith Street, is historically significant at a LOCAL level (AHC A4, B2). It is one of only three remaining nineteenth century churches in the Shire of Melton, and the only one to be constructed in unrendered brick.

St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Smith Street, is socially significant at a LOCAL level (AHC G.1). It is recognised and valued by the local Catholic community of Melton as an symbol of their faith and their history of local participation in faith education.

Overall, St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Smith Street, is of LOCAL significance.



