Pepper trees, Railway Reserve

Other Name

`Schinus molle' var. `areira'


off Bellairs Avenue SEDDON, Maribyrnong City

File Number



Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

These pepper tree avenues, on the Williamstown to Melbourne railway reserve, are significant to the City of Maribyrnong:
- for their maturity, genus and planting configuration, this combination being rare in the City (Criterion B2);
- as a reflection of the upgrade of the railway and the industrial expansion during the Edwardian era in the City and the role of the reserve as the major entry point to the area via the railway station (Criterion A4).

Australian Heritage Commission (AHC) criteria

The Australian Heritage Commission criteria consist of a set of eight criteria which cover social, aesthetic, scientific, and historic values. Each criterion has sub-criteria written specifically for cultural or natural values. The relevant criteria are:

B.2 rarity

A.4 demonstrates well the course and pattern of history, important historic events


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - avenue