Belmont Primary School


51 Mount Pleasant Road, BELMONT VIC 3216 - Property No 233569


Incl in HO area contributory

Statement of Significance


The Belmont Primary School complex is aesthetically significant at a LOCAL level. In particular, the extant gabled west wing, although surrounded by several other developments of different periods, still demonstrates original design qualities of the Late Victorian Education Department style. These qualities include the red Flemish brick walling, galvanised corrugated iron roof, prominent red brick chimney with a rendered cornice capping, timber framed double hung 15- pane bank of windows, rendered lintel and sill, and the timber gable brackets. The recessed hipped wing to the east of the original building is also aesthetically significant as it demonstrates qualities of the interwar Education Department style including the red brick walls, galvanised corrugated iron roof, plain red brick chimney with a soldier course capping and wide eaves and exposed rafters to the eastern facade.

The brick school building at 51 Mount Pleasant Road is historically significant at a REGIONAL level. It is associated with the General Editor of Vision and Realisation, L.J. Blake, who was also a District Inspector for the Education Department and more particularly, a pupil and teacher of the Belmont State School. The building is also possibly regionally significant for its associations with the Education Department architect, Henry Robert Bastow.

The brick school building at 51 Mount Pleasant Road is socially significant at a LOCAL level. It is recognised and highly valued by the community for educational reasons.

Overall the brick school building at 51 Mount Pleasant Road is of LOCAL significance


1. Pescott, South Barwon 1857-1985, p.24, 63.

2. Burchell, Victorian Schools: A Study in Colonial Government Architecture 1837-1900.

3. Blake (ed.), Vision and Realisation, vol.1, p.1393, vol.2 pp.1002-1003.




School - State (public)