

35 Stinton Avenue, NEWTOWN VIC 3220 - Property No 205236


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

Statement of Significance

The residence at 35 Stinton Avenue, Newtown, has significance as an intact and representative example of a Federation style in Newtown. Built in c. 1915-16 for Urban J. Austin, the site has associations with the Newtown Hillside Estate subdivision that was initially laid out in 1888. The dwelling appears to be in good condition when viewed from the street.

The residence at 35 Stinton Avenue is architecturally significant at a LOCAL level (AHC D.2, E.1). It demonstrates original design qualities of a Federation style. These qualities include the broad hipped roof form, together with the minor gable roofs that project at the front and side, and the return verandah formed under the main hipped roof. Other intact or appropriate qualities include the asymmetrical composition, single storey height, horizontal timber weatherboard wall cladding, corrugated sheet metal roof cladding, red brick chimneys, broad eaves with exposed timber rafters, front gable verandah, stop chamfered square timber verandah posts, segmental timber verandah arch and Art Nouveau fretwork in the verandah gable, unusual curvilinear timber fretwork and brackets in the return verandah, slightly projecting rectangular bay with timber framed casement windows and highlights under the verandah gable, corner window opening with similar casements and highlights, timber framed doorway with sidelights and highlights at the side, finials, curvilinear timber gable brackets and the bracketed timber window hood above the windows on the side gable.

The residence at 35 Stinton Avenue is historically significant at a LOCAL level (AHC A.4, H.1). It is associated with residential developments in Newtown in the early 20th century and also has associations with the Newtown Hillside Estate subdivision of 1888. The residence was built in 1915-16 for Urban J. Austin, grocer.

Overall, the residence at 35 Stinton Avenue is of LOCAL significance.


Heritage Overlay Schedule Controls

External Paint Controls: No

Internal Alteration Controls: No

Tree Controls: No

Outbuildings and/or Fences: No

Extent of Heritage Overlay & Significance

The HO apply to the whole of the site.

Other Recommendations:



City of Newtown and Chilwell Rate Books 1860-1950, digital copies on CD, Geelong Heritage Centre.

Geelong Waterworks & Sewerage Trust Plan of Drainage 1983.

Subdivision plan of Newtown, c.1850s-60s, Geelong Heritage Centre Plan F27.

Newtown Hillside Estate Subdivision Plan, 10 November 1888, Geelong Heritage Centre map N3.

Stinton Nursery Estate Plan, n.d., Geelong Heritage Centre map S04.


Residential buildings (private)

