Araucaria bidwillii

Other Name

Bunya Pine


Corner of Hawker and Ritchie Streets CARAMUT, MOYNE SHIRE

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant?
This Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwilli) sits among a number of exotic pines and conifers on a rise above Mustons Creek, at the Caramut House ruins site (File no: B1102), Caramut. 
How is it significant?
This Bunya Pine is of historical and social significance at the Regional level. 
Why is it significant?
This Bunya Pine is of historical significance as an early planting at Caramut House (demolished 1971), an expansive 19th century estate developed in the 1840s and owned by noted pastoralist H.F. de Little between 1850-1871. At its height, Caramut House Estate encompassed 8000 acres. 
Caramut House was known for its significant garden and landscaping, and the bluestone ruins include evidence of the terraced garden extending down to the creek. 
A 1909 article from the Pastoralists Review (Vol. 19, no. 3) noted the extensive mixed plantings of trees, a departure from typical stations at the time: 
The plantation is rather different from the rectangular type so common about station homes and runs. With pines and other imported trees indigenous varieties have been mixed, and the general outline of arrangement, with the timber stretching down on the one side to the water’s edge, destroys any impression of artificial planning which otherwise might arise.”  
This Bunya Pine is of social significance for its contribution to the landscape of the site. Its expansive canopy reaches beyond oaks, pines and conifers, including a notable Atlas Cedar (T12422). 
Tree Measurements: 
Condition: Fair 
Tree Type: Individual 
Circumference: 4.27m 
Height: 19m 
Canopy spread: 18m  
Height method: Instrument 
Circumference method: Tape Measure 
Date of measurement: 1 December 2019 
Age of tree: 155 years (planted c1865) 


Parks, Gardens and Trees

