Jacaranda mimosifolia

Other Name



Kensington Town Hall, 2-40 Bellair Street Kensington, MELBOURNE CITY

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant?
This Jacaranda grows at Kensington Town Hall, between the Hall and the former Baby Health Centre. The Town Hall was constructed in 1901 as the Flemington and Kensington Town Hall; the Baby Health Centre was built in 1935. The Jacaranda is a later planting from around 1960. 
How is it significant?
This Jacaranda is significant for scientific, social and aesthetic reasons at the State level. 
Why is it significant?
 This Jacaranda is scientifically significant for its outstanding canopy size. It has a broader canopy than other specimens in the Significant Tree Register (T11946, in Mildura, and T12282, in South Yarra). It is socially and aesthetically significant as an exceptional specimen with excellent form and structure. It has a symmetrical crown and a single trunk, which is uncommon in the species. It contributes to the surrounding landscape, creating a strong focal point between the two heritage municipal buildings.  

Tree Measurements: 
Condition: Good 
Tree Type: Individual 
Circumference: 2.7m 
Height: 12m 
Canopy Spread: 19m 
Height method: Instrument 
Circumference method: Tape Measure 
Date of measurement: 23/03/2021 
Age of tree: approx. 60 years (Planted c1960) 


Parks, Gardens and Trees

